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Maintain Your Youthful, Beautiful Appearance

The number one way to maintain a youthful, radiant look is by taking care of your skin to retain its natural beauty. We want to help you customize and create the habit of a home routine to optimize your spa treatments. At Lasting Beauty in Windham, NH, we offer a number of facials, the very popular HydraFacial, and a variety of peel options, to erase damage and smooth your skin, leaving you with an ageless, dewy look and feel. Visit our certified aestheticians for your next facial. We take the time to help review your current products and answer all your questions. Let’s get that GLOW!

Why Are Facials So Important for Your Skin?

Facials are often advertised as healthy boosts for your appearance, but do you know why? Besides hydrating your skin and removing dirt and oil, you’ll be surprised to learn the additional benefits of treating yourself to a facial. These are just a few:

  • Eases mental stress and can help reduce anxiety – Taking care of yourself is an important step we may often forget. Planning a small amount of time monthly to treat yourself and help improve your skin’s appearance will improve overall mood and confidence.
  • Tones your skin – During a facial, blood is stimulated to help strengthen and tighten muscles in the face for a healthier tone.
  • Reduces swollen and puffy eyes – The area under your eyes can appear puffy, especially with lack of sleep and stress. We nourish that area to reduce the appearance of puffiness.
  • Prevents aging – Facials promote collagen development and increase cell regeneration. These are important ingredients to reduce facial lines and wrinkles.


The ultimate HydraFacial experience! The detoxification process begins with lymphatic drainage. Then, the Platinum HydraFacial deeply cleanses, exfoliates, extracts, and hydrates the skin while incorporating a booster designed to target your specific skin concerns. This treatment concludes with LED light therapy to further reduce the visible signs of aging. ~ 60 minutes

This invigorating treatment includes deeply cleansing, exfoliating, and extracting impurities from the skin while infusing nourishing ingredients to hydrate the skin. The Deluxe HydraFacial also consists of a personalized booster to address your specific skin concerns and LED light therapy to reduce visible signs of aging further. ~ 45 minutes

This invigorating treatment includes deep cleansing, exfoliating, and extracting impurities from the skin while simultaneously infusing nourishing ingredients to hydrate the skin. Upgrading to The Platinum or Deluxe HydraFacial enhances your experience with a personalized Booster, LED Light Therapy, and Lymphatic Drainage options.

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Other Facials

A Basic Facial includes cleansing, gentle exfoliation, and extraction of impurities. This facial also includes a relaxing face, neck, and shoulder massage using essential hydrating oils. We also apply a signature mask to hydrate and soothe the skin.

An Anti-Aging Facial will have all the steps of a basic facial but with ingredients targeted for aging or “mature” skin to address thinning skin, dryness, and the loss of collagen. It may also include a chemical peel, collagen masks, or special serums.

Teen Facials are often designed to specifically address breakouts associated with adolescent skin. They typically begin with a deep cleansing, followed by gentle extractions. A healing mask is applied to help rehydrate dry, flaky skin or eliminate oily debris.

Dermaplaning is a skin treatment that uses an exfoliating blade to skim dead skin cells and hair from your face. It can be used on any skin type and is safe. This treatment also promotes deeper product penetration, boosting the effects of skin care products. Afterward, your skin will look and feel smoother and have a reduced appearance of fine lines and acne scars.

Omega Bright light therapy LED is a powerful medical-grade treatment that improves skin conditions such as acne, acne scars, pigmentation, dull skin, and sensitive skin. This device makes use of three essential high-power LED lights at various wavelengths: blue light (423nm), green light (532nm), and red light (640nm). Each session is only 20 minutes long.

  • Blue light – Sterilizes acne bacteria, inhibits sebaceous glands, and reduces skin breakout.
  • Green light – Soothes sensitive skin, and balances mood, and body.
  • Red light – Promotes skin regeneration, improves blood circulation, increases the uptake of active ingredients, and relieves acne scars and pain.

Can be added to any treatment!”

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Perfect Derma Peel

Perfect derma peel is a gently formulated chemical peel used to remove the top dead layers of skin without drying the skin like other peels. Not only is your skin brighter, if used to remove pigmentation, but it will also stop it from reoccurring as fast. The Derma Perfect Peel contains powerful ingredients including TCA, Kojic Acid, Retinoic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, Vitamin C, and antioxidant Glutathione.

This treatment can be used on all skin types, across all ethnicities and is ideal for:

  • Sun Spots
  • Acne Scars
  • Dull or aging complexion
  • Pigmentation issues

This product, when customized by our medispa staff, gives rapid results. See noticeable changes in as little as one week!

Perfect Derma Peel

Give Your Beautiful Face the Attention It Deserves

Get your self-care on and give your face the pampering and care it deserves with a facial or HydraFacial at Lasting Beauty in Windham, NH. These treatments are one of the easiest and most relaxing ways to keep your skin glowing, healthy, and rejuvenated. Schedule your appointment today.

Our Passion Is Enhancing Your Natural Beauty