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Radio Frequency (RF) Microneedling for Tighter, Smoother Skin

Lasting Beauty in Windham, NH provides cutting-edge modern technology treatments to treat skin laxity, stimulate collagen, and smooth texture. Fractionated RF microneedling is one of the most popular, with proven results to create younger-looking skin. At Lasting Beauty we offer top-rated outcome-producing results with Lutronic Genius RF Microneedling.

Are you looking for a non-surgical procedure to achieve smoother, tighter skin? Contact us to learn more about the fantastic results of RF Microneedling. These treatments are performed by our extensively trained nurses.


genius skin

What Is Genius RF Microneedling?

RF Microneedling is a cosmetic technique that takes advantage of the body’s natural healing process to encourage collagen production. The Genius uses tiny, gold-insulated needles to gently penetrate the skin and deliver heat to the deeper layers. The process stimulates healing in the area to reverse the effects of acne scars, stretch marks, and the laxity of aging skin. The results are brighter and firmer skin for the patient. We recommend a series of 3 sessions, about 4-6 weeks apart. Full results take time and can be seen best 3-6 months post series. Ask us about our medical-grade skincare to support your investment and aid in recovery.

Why Choose Genius RF Microneedling Therapy?

There are many techniques available to help improve and reduce acne scarring, wrinkles, stretch marks, and other bothersome effects of aging. Choosing the right one can seem overwhelming, but our experienced staff can help you determine the best service for your situation. When it comes to Genius RF microneedling, some of the benefits that allure patients include:

  • Treats superficial and deep layers of skin in the same treatment
  • Safe for all skin tones
  • Can treat loose skin on the body (commonly, knees, abdomen, and arms)
  • It’s effective for both men and women
  • The process comes with minimal discomfort
  • There is very little downtime for patients

Find Out More About This Effective Treatment

Genius RF Microneedling sessions typically take about 45-60 minutes. Patients are informed that 6-8 weeks apart are recommended to achieve the best results. Our guests enjoy the quick recovery (typically just a few days), and you can wear make-up the very next day. If you’re searching for a fresh new look and have texture concerns, laxity, pore size, and acne scarring, RF microneedling is the ideal solution to these common facial imperfections. Contact us to schedule a consultation to determine which option will be best for you.


Genius™ is a safe, minimally invasive treatment that works on all skin types. Genius RF uses microneedling to deliver radio-frequency energy to the parts of your skin that activates cellular growth factors which will make more collagen, elastin, and fibrin resulting in more plump, bouncy, and firm skin.

Lutronic has received FDA clearance of the Lutronic Genius™ platform for radiofrequency microneedling.

Three treatments are recommended to achieve the best results. Treatments should be scheduled 6-8 weeks after the initial treatment. Individual circumstances influence the outcome. You can also opt to spread out your treatments to every 3 months, it will just take longer to get the full effects.

Genius RF Microneedling has some discomfort associated with it. We do everything we can to ensure your comfort during treatments. We apply a topical numbing cream to your skin 1 hour before your treatment which helps with the small amount of discomfort you may experience. We also have other modalities such as a cold air Zimmer chiller, distraction with your favorite music, we also have the option of Pronox (Nitrous Oxide) to assist in your comfort. On average clients rate it a 3-4 on a 0-10 pain scale.

Fact Check

Genius distinguishes itself from other RF microneedling devices on the market by the superior effectiveness of the treatments without the associated downtime. More energy can be emitted through 49 needles per tip (compared with 24 needles with Morpheus8), producing a higher level of skin tightening. Genius RF also has impedance monitoring which alerts providers that they deliver the pulses in an effective manner.

  • Number of needles: Genius uses 49, while Morpheus uses 24. Genius’ higher number of needles leads to greater skin tightening.
  • Needle size: Genius’ needles are finer than a strand of hair, and more flexible than Morpheus’. They’re the sharpest, thinnest, and highest-quality needles available. They’re insulated to prevent any heat from the skin’s surface which makes it safe for all skin colors.
  • Radiofrequency energy: Genius delivers nearly two times as much energy as Morpheus (as well as other RF devices). Higher radiofrequency increases the effectiveness of the procedure.
  • Radiofrequency delivery: Genius can deliver energy at a much slower rate than Morpheus, making the procedure substantially more comfortable for the patient. Genius’ sensors send feedback to the operator on the resistance and will adjust itself accordingly. Morpheus does not have that ability.
  • Delivery depth: Genius’ microneedles deliver energy to the deeper layer of the dermis, bypassing the epidermis (surface layer), significantly reducing the risk of hyperpigmentation. The provider also can fine tune the amount of time the energy is delivered, ensuring you will not lose any precious fat pads of the face.
  • 4 days before your treatment, avoid the sun and sunless tanning products.
  • For 1 week before treatment, avoid blood thinning agents such as NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as Aspirin, Motrin, Advil, Ibuprofen, or Fish Oil capsules.
  • For one week before treatment, avoid using Retinol or Retin-A® products or other topical medications with active ingredients, such as glycolic, lactic, or salicylic acids. If you have any questions, contact your provider.
  • Avoid invasive laser treatment or chemical peels, for at least 4 weeks before Genius RF.
  • It’s best to wear a tank top and a button/zip up shirt to avoid any numbing cream getting on your clothing.

Yes, many people choose to treat the lax skin of the belly around the navel and lower abdomen, loose skin of the arms, thighs, and above the knees.

You can expect to have redness and warmth in the treatment area for about 4 hours after the treatment. You may experience some swelling under the eyes, you can ice the following day. There will be a “sandpaper” texture to the treated area for a handful of days. This is not visible but can be felt when touching.

It is possible that skin breakouts and purging of underlying congestion is common in those with oily or acne-prone skin. This does not require further treatment and will normalize 7-14 days post-treatment.

You can wear make-up the very next day if you wish. You will have the Factor Five skin care kit which will keep your treated skin hydrated. Always keep the treatment area protected from sun and use a mineral based SPF, reapply as directed by provider.

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You will continue to avoid acids, retinols, retinoids, or other active ingredients for about a week. Keep it simple. Also ensure good water intake (64oz/day).

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